Saturday, January 31, 2009


This is my friend Jackie in her ceramics studio. She is a multitalented wiz. She makes beautiful and comfortable tableware and candles--she is also a healer, massage therapist and fabulous cook. She also happens to be an incredible friend. I went up to Petaluma to visit her the other day & we had a lovely time visiting, going for a walk, eating, etc. But one of the most important things about our friendship is that we inspire each other and support each other in our creativity and growth. And we have been talking for a while about actually working together in the studio. We made some plans while I was there--and she has two other women friends who would like to join we are going to see if we can have some "play time" in a small group. Everyone has different talents and the plan is to start in her clay studio & see what happens & how we will inspire and learn from each other. I am very excited about the possibilites and have been wanting to do some work in clay again.........I have LOTS of ideas.
New stuff for a new year----remember how to play!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun - wish I lived closer! I'd love to join a group like that!