Friday, February 18, 2011


Here I am at the ACGA Jury night with some of my newer ceramic pieces--some vases and a few cups. I didn't get in this time around, but will probably apply again in the fall. I would love to do their big show in July at Palo Alto in 2012.
In the meantime, there's no rest for the weary (or was that the wicked?!) Either way, things are full steam ahead here at the studio. Getting ready for my next
Open Studio on Sun. Feb 27 from 1 pm to 5 pm.
This will be a milestone event, because-----
my prices are going up as of March 1.
Yes, that's right. I have not raised my prices in years. So this will be a great opportunity for you to get that piece you have always wanted at "yesterday's" prices. And this is good news for you who are faithful collectors of my work--it means the value of the pieces you own is going up as well!
Other exciting news----I have a group of new paintings simmering away here in the studio---some acrylic on canvas & some gouache on paper. (We like to mix it up!)
AND (drum roll please..........) I am working on a new website which will incorporate both my paintings AND my ceramics. Estimated completion date is the first half of March--it may go *LIVE* in an unfinished state--we'll see. So far I have been making good progress.
Check back in here for updates--OR if you are already on my email list, you will receive notification of the new site. If you would like to be on the email list, just send me a quick email at


Cheryl Czekala said...

SO exciting to watch your work progress, Christine. Always, my very best to you.


Christine DeCamp said...

Thanks, Cheryl. I am working on some new paintings right now...too cold to be outside doing clay. Going back & forth between painting & clay seems to keep things exciting & new ideas flowing.