I heard about this idea on Christine Kane's blog--she calls herself a "Mentor to Women Who are Changing the World". (I love that idea!) For the last couple of weeks, she has been running guest posts on her blog--people writing about their choice of a word for 2010 and how that word has affected their lives in the past year. The posts are inspiring, soulfull and addictive! After reading a couple, I decided I would give it a try for 2011. I shared the idea with my friend Linda & we both got excited about it. I made up my own word by smooshing 3 words together, followed by an exclamation point Goforit! is my choice for 2011 and it is perfect for the plans I have put into motion. (More about that in a later post) If you want to check this out, you can see the guest posts in the current offerings on her blog here. And to read her earlier post talking about what the Word of the Year concept is, why it works WAY better than trying to make resolutions, and some tips for coming up with your word, go here .
Image above is me in my booth last month at the KPFA craft fair. (I finally just downloaded my pics off the camera!)